Doubting Thomas Launch – Edinburgh

Heather Richardson reading from her novel, Doubting Thomas, at our Edinburgh launch in Blackwell's South Bridge.

Heather Richardson reading from her novel, Doubting Thomas, at our Edinburgh launch in Blackwell's South Bridge.

Doubting Thomas

On Wednesday, 25 October 2017 we launched Heather Richardson's historical novel, Doubting Thomas, at Blackwell's South Bridge in Edinburgh. 

If you missed it, never fear, we recorded the entire launch:

Notable Quotes:

"There’s a tradition in Christianity of a dark night of the soul, of a spiritual journey, and almost all of the great Christian writers and thinkers had a time of doubt, when they were cast down… and quite a lot of people living at Thomas’s time did it and when they came out the other side they wrote their spiritual journey book, and that was grand. And Thomas didn’t get the chance to get that far...”

"Where are you going to get a better crowd than at a hanging?"

"Once you’ve seen the body all disassembled, how do you not think of that when you’re getting intimate?"

No time to listen to the whole launch? Here are two shorter clips of Heather reading from her novel:

An Immersive Digital Experience

Delve into the fascinating world of Doubting Thomas with our immersive In the Freethinker's Footsteps project, which includes an interactive map with soundbites of local actors performing scenes from the novel, a Freethinkers' Library full of dangerous books, and a five-episode podcast series.